unexpectedly and smoking, lack of exercise in deprived of human life "road" to keep on. The latest data show that, over the age of 50 is still keep smoking habits of the people at an average of four years, and lack of exercise are the long-term average fruta planta pills people at 1.5 years. In other words, a cigar = short-lived 11 minutes = 30 minutes at the TV, lack of moderate exercise every day = short-lived 45 minutes = 2 hours watching TV. The seemingly simple the equals sign, but it reflects the fact that such a cruel.
In June this year, Harvard University released a new report, it is also told directly "watching television" and short-lived closer relationship between the first formal research report. The report said, too long to human life watching television can cause serious impact-watch TV every day over 2 hours; the next seven year because all causes the risk of death will increase 13%.

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 In addition to the psychological and environment outside pressure, depression patients also because brain nerve conduction chemical serotonin is insufficient, and will sink into depression of emotions. In the past, mental disease social or person cause burden and pressure is often ignored, but at present, mental disease, including depression, which has seriously affected the global society. If people are still not willing to face and meet depression can damage, so the disease will be easier to name, erosion helpless patients, pushing them to the abyss.
A woman's life most often have to mental illness: women's menopause also called menopause, refers to the last menstrual cramps the before and after a period of time. The life of people to experience of two sex hormones fluctuations, the first wave of sex hormones is "high tide", it makes the person from birth child entered adolescence; The second ingredients in fruta planta wave were the "ebb tide" sex hormones, it makes the person from prime into the menopause. Women's menopause syndrome of symptoms, from psychological look, mental tension, fidgety excited, moody, worry suspicious, irritability, etc.; From the physiological aspect look, feel the incline, vertigo headache, insomnia tinnitus, shake hands palpitate with pins and needles, weary god force etc. A woman's lives most often have to mental illness are those? As a woman, we must remain vigilant!

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Accurate radiotherapy is radiation treatment into modern direction, it different from any conventional radiotherapy. professor introduction, "conventional radiotherapy technology for most tumors, just as a normal tissue damage caused by serious of auxiliary therapy and palliative care means. And modern radiation can as many early cancer or metastasis lesions of the radical means."
The purpose of the radiation therapy to maximize the radiation dose will focus on lesions area, and kill cancer cells, and surrounding normal tissues or organs receive few or from unnecessary illuminate, some important organs such as the brain stem, crystal, spinal cord, kidney, gonad, etc, it need special protection. Traditional radiation therapy technology just realize this objective the primary phases, the radical tumor at the same time, also brought the normal tissue organ of one-time or permanent damage, even at the cost of sacrifice something important organ, is a pure sense of treatment. The ideal state of radiotherapy of tumor is only as tumor, and not illuminate of normal tissue around the tumor, and also can reduce the side effects. In computer technology for speeding development brings the modern accurate radiotherapy technology in this idealized goal across a big step.

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the tomato and kale altogether feed can cure the prostate cancer development problems, and put forward many convincing evidence. In 206 they only male rats after the abdominal ribs subcutaneous injection the same number of prostate cancer cells, and then will they group, for 22 consecutive weeks observation prostate cancer cells in rat body development. They in the first group of rats in the diet added 10% tomatoes, the second group to add 10% kale, add a third group, 10% 10% tomatoes and kale.
Through observation, and at the same time and have tomatoes and mustard blue rats, the most significant therapeutic effect, the extent of the tumor was 52%, and the slow growth of tumors. Methods from the biopsy perspective, cancer cell differentiation slow, cancer cells nuclear apoptosis degree is quite obvious. This shows, tomatoes and 2 day detox diet kale were indeed can prevent food the development of prostate cancer. Advocate tomatoes and kale with food, this will be a very meaningful to health.

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Tomato juice, can dieresis, nephritis patients also advised to eat.
eggs is a nature miracle, a trained fine to eggs, in temperature can have to chance, don't need to add any nourishment from the outside world, can to hatch a chick, this will be enough to explain the nutrition of eggs.

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Too many do not know what to say, in short, through a very thin, and experience the MC to 4, continue to face long spot, his face sallow, while the hairs more and more weight, weight loss is some confusion. Weight now afraid to face the past, but after all, is the past, or to move forward. Also feel that health is the first. Do not say anything more.
 Let it come to wait until they can cope when. If your fat, absolute fat even faster will affect the health, like my friend, c, it should give early attention to be difficult to change the point of even more trouble, if she started from the 14-year-old control not have been so distressed. Taking fruta planta pills can maintain joint health for obese people. Hope you pro can be like my friends a so beautiful wisdom correct The summer is coming, and my weight has been in the state of standing still. Maintained the habit of brisk walking 45 minutes every other day. Why not or thin? Better hurry it.

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To eat those things will suck marijuana kill me quick, those energetic binge drink the sea after the previous years I am ready to do the raw veggie good (pizza, cheese buger, chicken wings, mashed potatoes, add sugar and oil desserts, cheesy, which means macaroni midnight in restaurant deep fried goods lunch, and a variety of microwave pasta, biscuits and things, They are called "food" They are called "the crap"). Time to eat (drink) to the nausea is very reasonable, I think this is like the so-called "learning the art of people are naked, watching the street to the realm of naked completely did not feel" the truth.
  So we look at where also changed. . ? Why do you think my weight is so difficult to go on it -. . The distressed ing. . The students want to get married, go to the wedding ~ Frustration in school fall Long had a fat ~ Before you want to lose weight to come forward. Series of studies have shown that blood homocysteine is an independent factor, which can be inhibited by taking fruta planta pills. Always insist on not go on ~ Will the experienced mm were If the normal breakfast and lunch to eat, dinner, fruit, Turn and a half hours a day hula hoop, jump one hour rope (jumping stop, not stop a moment, about 4000 or so) Two months lost 30 pounds? Day to drink a lot of water, drink the class want to go to the toilet.

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Expert diagnosis Japanese nutritionists advocate that it is best not to eat two hours before going to sleep. First, because the night parasympathetic God Body fat synthesis is very active, began to work the body more easily absorb nutrients and accumulation in the body; Because of the long-term to develop the habit of late night, to wake up the next day, no appetite, and wait until night appetite.
 Open, not consciously eat, after a considerable period of time become a "fat ball". Recommended that people with milk at night, anti-hunger Hungry, and drank a cup of warm milk this way, the stomach produces a filling sense of the best way. You are what type of obesity Test: know that you are what type of obesity?  You have to use your muscles when taking effective fruta planta pills.   Class A Often while eating snacks side of things. Buy food, buy only the appetite, whether or not it has nutritional value. See their favorite foods are often unable to control. Like more oil, the flavor of food and cream products.

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When you’re in a state of sadness because of obesity, you can try Effective hoodia p57. (I prefer the simple stretching exercises and abdominal breathing, yoga ... and really do not like jogging ...) Opportunity to own a second election - do not eat ice cream you can eat nonfat yogurt, lying in the sun on the beach is better to play a beach volleyball before going to bed to eat the cookies as good as eating an apple ....To buy their favorite food, contribute to weight loss food. (I like to eat fruit, like to eat corn like to eat more than 70% purity of chocolate). Try not to someone else on behalf of buying food.   Using Effective pai you guo to lose weight is able to regulate the level of TG, glucose, and insulin.  By reducing the intake of total calories as well as Effective fruta planta, you can obtain a multiplier effect.   The heart is really popular with shock. Incentive is also very popular. This post has no one top, I just hope this post has always existed. At a minimum, I am. This post, I will send some useful things. Such as weight loss methods, attitude, power picture ... or something like that.  From February 1st, the day after tomorrow. Until July 15. Five and half months. Nearly six months time. I believe they can slim down. Absolutely. Will be able to. Must so motivate yourself. I believe their abilities. Only have fat people slim down only after the pleasure of of this Kuangshuai meat.
People who are 30% over weighted also can take Effective fruta planta. In the most simple words, if a person is overweight, it is due to him thinking "fat thoughts" - regardless of that person not aware of. Can not think of a "lean thinking", while the fat; that completely contradicted the law of attraction. Some people say that they are slow thyroid function or metabolism, or say the figure is a genetic problem, these are just conceal obesity thinking "(you psychologically default he is a fat man going to find to make Hello an excuse). If you accept any of the above situation applies to you, and believe it.

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 Obese people can adopt Effective fruta planta to lose weight.  The idea that people generally hold - I think - "The food is weight gain culprit". This is the faith of your useless, for me, is simply nonsense! Than food increased the weight you that the idea that "food will increase the weight, only to make the food really adds to your weight.
 The result of our body must be perfect. The outcome is that the story about my own weight, I now maintain a perfect weight of 116 pounds, and can eat whatever you want. So focus on your perfect weight!"Living at the same time, you also create their own universe."- Winston Churchill 21 days to develop weight-loss habits. Behavioral psychology, research shows that: the repetition of more than 21 days will form a habit, a repeat of 90 days to form a stable habit. Phase I: 1 ~ 7 days: For new habits, you will feel unnatural and uncomfortable. When you are taking Effective fruta planta, its advance or delay of 3-5 days is a normal phenomenon.

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