In addition to the psychological and environment outside pressure, depression patients also because brain nerve conduction chemical serotonin is insufficient, and will sink into depression of emotions. In the past, mental disease social or person cause burden and pressure is often ignored, but at present, mental disease, including depression, which has seriously affected the global society. If people are still not willing to face and meet depression can damage, so the disease will be easier to name, erosion helpless patients, pushing them to the abyss.
A woman's life most often have to mental illness: women's menopause also called menopause, refers to the last menstrual cramps the before and after a period of time. The life of people to experience of two sex hormones fluctuations, the first wave of sex hormones is "high tide", it makes the person from birth child entered adolescence; The second ingredients in fruta planta wave were the "ebb tide" sex hormones, it makes the person from prime into the menopause. Women's menopause syndrome of symptoms, from psychological look, mental tension, fidgety excited, moody, worry suspicious, irritability, etc.; From the physiological aspect look, feel the incline, vertigo headache, insomnia tinnitus, shake hands palpitate with pins and needles, weary god force etc. A woman's lives most often have to mental illness are those? As a woman, we must remain vigilant!
A woman's life most often have to mental illness: anxiety disorders are in family life and work of setbacks, family members died, interpersonal conflict strong psychological factors stimulate the disease. Patients with abnormal psychological performance is: mood is heavy, fruta planta pills and the lack of safety, total feel like people in harm themselves, often a premonition that the worst is going to happen, appeared at a catastrophizing feeling, and often distracted, restless. At the same time, it is accompanied by plant nerve dysfunction and somatic symptoms. Like the finger numb, limbs hair is cool, chest oppressive feeling, loss of appetite, a burning sensation in the stomach.
A woman's life most often have to mental illness: hysteria also called hysteria, by the spirit of the most intense stimulation, psychological damage cause brain disorders, present a mental disorder. People with hysteria of women show awareness of fuzzy, array hair cry smile, nonsense. A strong response, scratches my hair, worrying clothing, rap abuse, roll around, wall, go to town. Patient’s also different degree occurs for movement disorders, feels obstacle. Such as sudden limbs or to the body twitch straight and blind, deaf, aphasia, etc. Patients with the disease most women is prime, rural women are in the fruta planta pills majority.
A woman's life most often have to mental illness: neurasthenia because long-term excessive tension thought a heavy burden and negative emotions and extreme fatigue cause brain nervous system disorders senior a kind of disease. The neurasthenia abnormal psychological performance is: headaches, dizziness, be agitated, already yi exciting and easy fatigue, difficult to fall asleep at night, sluggishness, difficulty concentrating, impaired memory, emotion, etc.
A woman's life most often have to mental illness: anyone can because of various factors and was put on the disease. Depression syndrome, are usually several biological and environmental factors caused by the influence every other day diet and cooperate with each other.


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