Research shows that a gram of oil, apple cider vinegar diet about nine calories quantity of heat; In a gram of protein, about four hot calories; In contrast, a gram of rice, also only four hot calories. Therefore, eat only food, don't eat, can lead to diet and more Chinese protein, heat soared, easy to have diabetes.
Third: change entertainment way
Dinner party actually can it another way, can try to put reunion dinner to the tea party, and so on, throw a drink before and after attention maintain
If really can't drink the wine of entertainment, so please note: wine on the eve of the bureau can add some vitamins A, C and E, they can reduce the damage to the liver alcohol; Drinking to set limit to, a little wine can promote gastric juice to secrete, peptic, promote the blood circulation, choose the most suitable red wine; The most delicious rice or a drink and drink some porridge; Drink the wine before go home to sleep, I must first drink a cup of fruta planta pills water, give the body compensatory moisture, prevent dehydration, don't forget tea, because tea will hinder the tan in the food the absorption of calcium, iron; Wake up the next day to drink more plain boiled water or juice, it helps to balance the blood sugar, restore the water content of; The second day of the drunk breakfast can eat some soft bread, etc. Don't eat ham, Fried eggs or Fried food. can push the push; do not accept according to the order
Remind everybody dinner party must not accept according to the order, can put off the dinner party or should try to put off. Pull not face, the real is a kind of psychological barriers, refused to first, behind of is easy.
Most people have mentioned that I often drink. The great enemy of the drink is to reduce weight, now a lot of fruta planta pills units is not own liquor, suggest male friends can also take beverage, or with tea and wine.  reasonable food, food to pick to eat
Suggestions in the dinner party, could start eating some vegetables and staple food mat, don't eat on an empty stomach high in sugar or too much greasy food, also don't over-eat and avoid accumulation overmuch quantity of heat, move four: much talk, more in a bathroom in order to distract yourself or others the consumption of the attention, ok and great speech. Really greediness things to eat, to fully chew, it is estimated to everybody to want to drink, how to take fruta planta can go to the bathroom in advance to avoid some drink opportunities. Evening dinner party was to pay more attention to your health cough up! Entertainment food will make you fat, has a large number of drinking will also give your body from negative influence. Below is the family dinner party to seven healthy weight loss coups: stick to eat only a chopsticks principle
No matter how important entertainment food, health is the first. It can not refuse to the dinner party, you should try to eat less a bit, every kind of food to eat a chopsticks fruta planta pills is enough, especially high quantity of heat as frying sex food to avoid excessive intake. Don't be fastidious about food, not to junk food, eat a bowl of every kind, at most, no more than three chopsticks. Must to nibble slow pharynx, as many as possible to eat vegetables, meat vegetarian than controls in the 3-1 to 4:1, so even if fat to eat many, also can be in vegetables with dietary fiber eliminated from the body.  never eat only food, and did not eat  Don't eat only food in order to lose weight, and did not eat. Such easy to cause the Chinese diet, protein, heat soared, prone to diabetes.


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