Well, fantasy is complete, I have to eat in the spirit of four trotters and a lot of satisfaction, then I am also grateful to the mom in the kitchen shouting sentence: "It tastes good, my mom I'm full. Many consumers would rather take fruta planta than go on dieting. Running at night, I only ran 40 minutes, could not carry, could be dancing in the afternoon when tired, tired. So today I lazy giving himself a 20-minute fake. Blowing air-conditioned rest had wanted to lay in bed, who think that a nap, if not the mother have something to ask me, I think is likely this has been Shuidaotianliang a. 
 my mom came in to ask me is not uncomfortable, I say not, probably because to the menstrual period, it is more easily trapped old you listened to just rest assured that out.   21:00 many, the father home the door open to me to wake, so he up and my dad was a greeting, how to know the father asked me one today, did not do sit-ups, I casually said not done, the results outburst called stirred up trouble, my dad insisted that according to I do 100 sit-ups, or on behalf of me to admit that they do not have the willpower to lose weight. If you want to achieve the purpose of becoming charming, you can choose Fruta Planta Reduce Weight.
Back home at night we need to do 100 to 200 sit-ups, these campaigns should be completed within one day, and with you every day I can not eat, and even drinking water must be carefully controlled volume. With you every day my heart fell to the bottom, and a bad temper, but also to endure starvation.   Plateau, I know you like me, I really know, but you have not heard of such a sentence, when you love someone, is to make her / him happy if you really like me, then, let me live, if you have the heart to torture me, I think you really selfish.  Obvious weight loss can be found in diet supplements. The shopping malls have been around I take a stroll every day facing the same clothes and accessories. The only fun every day to shoot photos of stickers. I'm always very careful to scan them to a computer inside, could not bear stickers are placed in a small album to record my arduous journey to lose weight. Go swimming back, I saw a cute skirt in the window of the Oriental Plaza,  Delicious! Still want to eat? Then give me to a fantasy in the mind to eat the pig the scene of the hoof.



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